What’s in a name?
Gram, that’s Grandma Betty, re-married years after Grandpa Harry died. She remarried this great guy Steve (Dan Stevens always went by Steve). Steve was a widower who had been family friends with Betty and Harry for a million years. Seeing as they were both left alone after their spouses went, the marriage made sense and life moved forward.
Steve was a funny guy, liked to joke and was generally well liked. Unfortunately, Steve had a bad heart. As he got sicker, his humor fled. He became sullen and grumpy. Eventually he was never what you would call mean, but he was onery. A curmudgeon. He would find misery in any joy. It was exhausting and sad, because we all knew barring his nonstop illness, he was a pretty likable guy.
So one day we’re all sitting around at Gram’s place. Some family, mom, me, gram, I think some cousins were there. Mom is going on and on and on (as she does) about some hike or birdwatching trip or some goddamn thing. Like forever. It was her one thing, birdwatching, and she wore it out. Mom is telling us some tale like it’s the most important thing there is and she’s the ONLY one in attendance who cares.
Unprompted, from his grouchy recliner in the living room, Steve says, “THOSE GODAMMN BIRDS! I WISH THEY WERE ALL DEAD!”
And it was so out of place, so jarring up against mom’s happy (unasked for) narrative, that we all burst out laughing. It was just hard to take Steve seriously. He was so grouchy all the time.
For years and years after that, well after Steve and then Gram and then mom were all gone, we would joke, “Remember what Steve says…”
Those goddamn birds.